What HFA Students Do When They are Heartbroken
The study conducted by the researchers is about the heartbreak experience of a student in HFA. The researchers would like to show the habits that a student from HFA does after experiencing heartbreak and identify which are the good habits and bad habits. Because of the popularity of having a romantic relationship, a lot of students are starting to get into one. This is what caught the attention of the researchers to conduct this study.
The study was conducted in the High School Department of the Holy Family Academy, Angeles City. The researchers chose people that they know have experienced heartbreaks as their respondents for the reason that they are the ones who can accurately answer the questions. The data collected was carefully studied by the researchers. The Descriptive Method was used in the study where the researchers gave interpretations and did analyses.
If recognition is given to the study conducted by the researchers, they would like to promote the healthy practices that one should do after experiencing heartbreak and avoid unhealthy practices. if the unhealthy practices cannot be avoided, the researchers would at least like to limit those who are doing unhealthy practices. This is to protect the students from the imminent danger of bad habits.
Cai, Deryll Ryan C. | De Guzman Marco Adrienne | Nuqui, Shaun Chrise C. | Salvador, Daren Gabriel D. | Tanhueco John Darrel F. | Duya, Mary Anne C.
Grade & Section
11-St. Placidus
IMC -Main
March 1, 2017
SRE C133 2017