The Perspective and Behavior of High School Students Towards the Cellular Phone Ban Policy
Technology has affected any aspect of our life today. Different devices such as televisions, cameras, and calculators have always been useful to us. The cellular phone, a product of mobile technology, is considered to be one of the greatest inventions. It can do a variety of tasks which made educators see them as a potential learning tool. However, many schools ban this device inside the classroom because of the risks associated with this device. This research aims to determine the attitude and perceptions of high school students towards the cellular phone ban policy. A qualitative approach that used the snowball sampling technique was used to gather data from the respondents. Results showed that students, in general, do not follow the cellular phone ban policy because they see the benefits of using this device inside the classroom. However, some strictly follow and agree with the policy since it helps promote discipline and it prevents students from being distracted by their cellular phones.
Aniate, Apollo | Bengco, John | Galang, Bryle | Garcia, Schuey | Quiambao, Carl | Reyes, Aldrich | Reyes, Marc
IMC -Ext.
April 3, 2019
SRE A597 2019