Sustainable Indoor Solar Bulb Enclosed by Recycled Plastic Bottles
Electricity is essential for most of the people here in the Philippines. Based on the survey in an article, approximately 2.36 million households in the Philippines has no electricity as of July 2016 (Xinhua, 2017). Poverty is one of the main factors on why some people does not have electricity. The electricity price is still rising up due to the hike in generation charge as of April 2018 (Canivel, 2018) due to that it is harder for the poverty-stricken people to access basic supply of electricity. Locally it is known that there are some people who resort to illegal means, that is illegal connection. As the demand for electricity grows higher, the interest on using alternative source of electrical energy grows. Alternative energy is any energy source that is an alternative to fossil fuel. These alternatives are intended to attend to the concerns about fossil fuels, such as its high carbon dioxide emissions, an important factor in global warming. Marine energy, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal and solar power are all alternative sources of energy. To continue using fossil fuels as an energy source, we may increase the temperature of the planet in ways that will harm us and our entire ecosystem. Another concern for energy sources, fossil fuels will also eventually run out, even as the population of earth grows. Currently, coal, natural gas, and oil plants produce over 65% of the world's source for electrical energy. These alternative sources purposely fix the issue about reducing carbon footprint due to fossil fuels contributing more harmful effects to the environment and also addresses the problem of having cheaper expenses for the long run. With these reasons, the current researchers finds the urgency to develop a sustainable light using the reflection of the sun in the morning and solar electricity in the evening.
Cardines, Aaron | Reyes, Sam | Santos, Bandio
Grade & Section
Grade 12
March 1, 2019
SRE C257 2019