Student's Perception on the Impact of Alcoholism and Smoking to Social Relationship
Some tend to drink alcohol and smoke cigars for relaxation and they think everything will be better with these vices. The researchers want to find the student's perception on the impact of alcohol and smoking to social relationship so that they can raise awareness on the effects of these vices to social relationship. These days, students are being subsumed in peer pressure to drink and smoke and because of this some of them are being addicted and has their lives ruined. This results in having a hard time in interacting with others and addiction with illegal substances. In Holy Family Academy, there are some students that are smoking and drinking. With this research, they would be able to know the different impacts of these vices in their lives and find ways to refrain from doing it. The researchers made use of Phenomenology as the design for this study. This help the participants to answer the questions as they are related to experiences in one's life. The researchers identified the respondents through random sampling. Each individual is chosen entirely by chance. The participants will be answering a questionnaire regarding the topic, student's perception on the impact of alcohol and smoking to social relationship. The result of this research proved that there are three major variables that are affected by alcohol and smoking in social relationships are "Being friendly", "Communication", & "alcohol intoxication or addiction".
Alip, Jin | De Guzman, John Peter | Milan, Keith | Tolentino, Jainos | Tuano, Yannick | Serrano, Cleinelle
March 21, 2019
SRE A412 2019