People's Preferred Way of Shopping; Online vs. Physical
In this part of our research we'll dictate all the things that has happened in our research. We saw that most of our respondents told us that they mostly prefer buying in physical stores to see the quality of the product to make sure that the amount that they paid for is worth it. Also we saw that the mostly want to physical shop even though the trend nowadays is online shopping. In this part of our research we'll dictate all the things that has happened in our research. We saw that most of our respondents told us that they mostly prefer buying in physical stores to see the quality of the product to make sure that the amount that they paid for is worth it. Also we saw that the mostly want to physical shop even though the trend nowadays is online shopping. We got our data's through one on one interviewing our participants and also asked them if we could record throughout the interview. We didn't have a hard time to interview them because they all listened to the instructions we gave them and really answered every question honestly.
Dizon, Kevin Christian O. | Manguera, Bernard Alain G. | Pabalan, Dmitri Jaey D. | Ryogo, Samuel D. | Vino, Christian John T.
April 5, 2019
SRE D622 2019