Multi-Sanitation : An Experimental Study of a Shoe Cabinet that Disinfects and Deodorizes Dirty Shoes utilizing UV Lights and Titanium Dioxide
The research made is about a multi-sanitation box that sanitizes shoes. It aims to identify if UVC lights and Titanium Dioxide effectively work together to remove odor and reduce the bacteria build up present in shoes. The researchers conducted an experimental study wherein they created a fully-enclosed wooden cabinet wherein its insides were coated with Titanium Dioxide powder mixed in paint coating. UVC lights were also installed at the top portion of the cabinet and an outlet for its power source was provided which is connected to a programmable timer switch. Rubber, leather and cloth shoes are then exposed to the UVC lights for different periods of time due to their material; 30 minutes was given for the rubber and cloth shoes while for the leather shoes, 15 minutes was given. Before and after the process of exposing the shoes, an applicator stick was used to swab the shoes then smeared into an agar plate to be labeled and incubated for at least 48 hours. Based from a visual comparison of the pre-experiment and post-experiment plates, there was quite a difference; concentrated spots of bacteria build up were minimized. The results coincide with the objectives of the study which were to reduce the amounts of bacteria present in the shoes.
Dimalanta, Ysabel Dominic | San Diego, Patricia | Saul, Maria Casandra C.
Grade & Section
Grade 12
March 1, 2019
SRE D582 2019