Influence of Baumrind's Theory of Parenting Styles to Students' Study Habits
It is known that parents have a big influence on a child's development and behavior. The parenting style theorized by Diana Baumrind is utilized widely and so these are considered as the basis for what a child might progress toward becoming if such styles are associated. Previous studies indicate how parenting styles are essential to the child's behavior but lack the child's study habits which this study aims to discover. This qualitative research intends to answer what is the influence of Baumrind's theory of parenting style on the study habit of the top 10 students of a section in the 10th grade level in Holy Family Academy. With the use of Baumrind's Parenting Style Questionnaires, the participants of this study were determined which the researchers interviewed one-by-one. The researchers then interpreted their varying responses which led them to the following findings : (1) the discoveries of this study coordinate the theory of Baumrind's parenting styles; (2) the students give importance to their well-being by getting enough hours of sleep; (3) the students participate actively during class discussion, thus, obtaining their academic status; (4) the parents do not have academic demands to their children, and (5) the parents were described as the motivators in the child's academic studies.
Alfonso, Arthur | Dizon, Eisley | Montenegro, Angelo | Tuazon, Jayvin | Almiro, Anna | Lingat, Ralphine Shandei | Manalo, Therese Angeli | Yu, Khyla Francesca
IMC -Ext.
March 3, 2019