Factors that Affects the Tardiness of the Senior High School Students of Holy Family Academy
Most schools around the Philippines have problems with students who are consistently late. Attendance is important as it embodies the presence of the students in school and the discipline of being on time. it is a time given before the start of the class. The primary reason for a student being late is the geographical distance which implies the need for transportation in order to arrive at school. The research is generally about the factors of tardiness in senior high students. A purposive sampling design was utilized in order to select the respondents needed. The researchers ask from the grades 11 and 12 who are frequently late to represent the research. Questionnaires were utilized and handed to the respondents to gain answers. Based on the gathered data, the researchers came to significant findings that being tardy doesn't affect the performance of the students, and the most reason why students are being late or tardy is because of lack of transportation.
Endaya, Aaron Jaevrine | Tolentino, Kym Frytz | Mercado, Ian Patrick | Pineda, Kryster Gohan | Tinio, Louie Arnel | Lampano, Prince Vladimir Raven
IMC -Ext.
April 5, 2019