Assessment: An Instrument in Peer Competition
Peer Competition is an existing concept that is known to several people. The purpose of this research is to expand and provide further knowledge about peer competition in assessments based on the experiences and perceptions of the students from Holy Family Academy. The related studies helped strengthen the foundation of this research. Twelve participants were proportionally chosen from grades 7 to 12 using Purposive Sampling and Stratified Sampling Technique for the conduction of this study. Using semistructured interviews, it has been concluded that students are competitive and they compete mostly inside the campus. This type of competition among students take place in assessments mainly quizzes, test, and performance task. Students get their competitors and influences from their surroundings. This study was also able to uncover some positive and negative effects of peer competition. From these findings, the research will be able to provide experiences and perceptions of students regarding competing in assessments.
Agustin, Breana | Lugtu, Andrea | Medina, Precious Joy | Ocampo, Rodolfo IV | Pineda, Maria Alyssa | Tiqui, Marie France | Zabala, Chloe Anne
IMC -Ext.
April 3, 2019
SRE A282 2019