A Case Study on the Influence of Sleep Deprivation on a Grade 11 Student's Social Interactions
One major occurrence that has been slowly declining our nation's health is lack of sleep or sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation among teens is common nowadays, especially for senior high school students. However, there have only been studies about college students or other age groups when it comes to sleep deprivation. Therefore, the researchers decided to do a case study on the most sleep deprived Grade 11 student. The goal of this research is to discover the influence of sleep deprivation to one's social relationships particularly with family and friends. This paper aims to answer the following queries: (1) What causes one to be sleep deprived? (2) How does sleep deprivation influence one's mood or feelings towards others? (3) How does sleep deprivation influence one's social relationships with friends and family? With the researchers goal in mind and the research questions as guide, they were able to find out that the participant's social relationships with family and friends is not influenced by her being sleep deprived. It does, however, influence her mood and feelings because she sometimes feels tired because of her lack of sleep. She is able to communicate well with others depending on the people she talks to despite being sleep deprived. This is because she is able to get her energy from different sources like food. This paper can be of value to teachers who hear complaints from the students about not getting enough sleep, which then becomes the reason why they cannot participate well. They can use the participant's experience as an example as to how she can manage communicating with others despite lacking sleep.
Lapitan, Erica Mae | Santos, Andrea Charmaine | Zulueta, Beatrice
Grade & Section
March 21, 2018
SRE L299 2018