A Qualitative Analysis on the Perception of the Beauty Standards of Senior High School Students in Holy Family Academy
Most women in this world, regardless of ages and race, want to be beautiful
especially with their physical appearance. Beauty is a characteristic of a person, and many other things, that provides pleasure or satisfaction. Men and women are conscious about how they physically appear because of the beauty standards that the society has. In Holy Family Academy, it is evident that the students are conscious about how they look which is manifested in terms of their behavior. The current study aims to analyze the students' perception of the beauty standards, determine how students personally define "beauty", and determine the possible influences to their beauty standards and to know the common characteristics that define their standards of beauty. The study follows a phenomenology design and the researchers used a survey questionnaire in gathering the opinions on the beauty standards. The respondents are the Senior High School students of Holy Family
Academy and they were identified through simple random sampling.
As a result of the data gathering and analysis, the study proved that
the Senior high school students' perception of the beauty standards is affected by the models from the magazines and the common physical features that define their own idea of beauty is based from the models which drive them to follow the certain beauty standard and to be physically attractive like the subjects they perceive.
Puno, Eazel | Puzon, Juliene Angeli | Tuazon, Shaniah Therese | Dizon, Jeane Rei | Fontillas, Chelsea | Galinato, Ma. Alessandra
Grade & Section
April 1, 2019
SRE P984 2019