Social Issue Integration in Class Discussion and Student Motivation
With the advancement of technology, news has become more accessible. Students are regularly exposed to media which give them access to platforms that hold information about rampant social issues. Twitter, which has more than 41 million users, is an example of such a platform wherein 85% of 4,262 trending topics were focused on headline news (Kwak, Lee, Moon, & Park, 2010). This is supported by Smith and Anderson (2018) who report that 45% of younger Americans aged 18 to 24 are Twitter users. Through these, students are made aware of the problems that are relevant to their lives. The learning that transpires within the four walls of the classroom, thus, should not only include the fundamental subjects of Mathematics, Science, English, and the like, but also tackle the realms of the outside world in an environment where discussion is encouraged and facilitated. This tests what a person is able to do with the knowledge he/she acquired particularly outside the limit of formal educational experience (Bentley, 2000).
In the context of the Philippines, these realms are riddled with social issues. The social, economic, and political status of the Philippines make headlines on a daily basis, opening a window of opportunity for the public to form opinions through social media and national polls such as Social Weather Survey and Pulse Asia (Hedman, 2010). Additionally, university students serve as an example of awareness about and engagement in social issues as they join protests or organizations in accordance with their socio-political stances (Pasion, 2016; Paris, 2019; Mateo, 2019).
Alfonso, Arthur Dominic | Escoto, Carmela Franchesca | Labrador, Nicole Kiyomi | Lingat, Ralphine Shandei | Llanes, Miarla Kerubin | Quiambao, Cari Joshua | Villanueva, Hannah Natasha
Grade & Section
Grade 12 - St. Gregory
March 1, 2018
SRE A384 2018