The Ramifications of Usage of Gadgets to Students' Physical Health
Exposure to technology has become an inevitable with pandemic outbreak and the online classes many students enrolled themselves in. While useful and convenient, the study found that frequent use of gadgets affects four main aspects: a person's sight, hearing, sleep, and musculoskeletal conditions. This study followed a quantitative descriptive research design in order to determine the state of the students physical health and to add further information. With a sample size of 84 Grade 12 students in the Philippines chosen through random sampling, the study found that 58% had difficulty staying and falling asleep. Around 56% reported musculoskeletal pains and aches while 31% admitted to having developed difficulty in hearing. The paper was also able to assess that, among all four aspects aforementioned, sight is the least affected with only 28.9% reporting about difficulty. A point of interest in the results of this study would be that 83 out of 84 students were found to spend over six hours on devices.
Avanzado, Daniela | Manaloto, Marie Frances | Lumba, Pierre Ellezar | Paris, Alrei Kyle | Tiamzon, Ralph Heidrick Franz | Sigua, JM Mariella
Grade & Section
Grade 12
April 1, 2019
SRE A945 2019