Students' Perception of Their Productivity When Subjected to Early Class Hours
Having early class hours is one of the most commonly debated topics of all time in the world of education. Several arguments from both sides of the coin have already. been presented. For instance, the implementation of early class hours is said to serve as a preparation for students for work environment while having later class hours is‘ believed to promise better performance from students. In the Philippines, almost all academic institutions employ the similar practice of having early start class hours. However, most researches conducted about this topic pertain only to a Western: context. For this reason, the researchers conducted this study entitled “Students’ Perception of Their Productivity When Subjected to Early Class Hours” in the Holy| Family Academy locale to perceive what the students think about their individual productivity when subjected to early class hours. This is a qualitativephenomenological study which practiced the one-on-one interview method on their selected Grade 12 participants. The application of this certain research design and method for data collection helped the researchers deduce and comprehend how students feel about and cope with their individual productivity when subjected to early morning class hours. Through the help of the respondents’ verbatim, codas and themes were formed. The resulting themes were (1) Readiness to Perform Academic Activities and (2) Factors Influencing Work Efficiency which helped in identifying two factors, particularly sleeping hours and load of school works, which are believed to affect the productivity of students. To conclude, the amount of sleep a student gets is the most influential factor which affects his productivity. However, due to differences in perceptions, other factors affecting productivity, such as pressure, workload of school works, and time of the day, were mentioned once or twice which the researchers believed needed further exploration.
Astrero, RhenzLloren | Canda, Juan Carlo | Cortez, Anniza | Lapira, Sophia | Magtoto, Justine | Molina, Mari Rafael Josef
Grade & Section
Grade 11
March 21, 2018
SRE A852 2018