The Most Influential Social Networking Sites Use Among the Students
With the research result gathered and compiled, the researchers have concluded that females are more interested in social networking sites than males. The result also showed that most SNS users are 15 years old and 17 years olds have the least counts. But even with these numbers, 83% of the student body have social networking site accounts while the remaining 17% have not joined yet; showing that only a few are not socially active online. As expected, Facebook has the most users among the choices given. Twitter comes second, Instagram next, and Tumblr with the remaining 5%. Also, in the questionnaires handed out, one of the questions asks about the time consumed when they use these sites. Most participants who answered the questionnaire answered that most students use SNS from 0-5 hours, but most of the answers said that students use social networking sites every day. The researchers also include the reason why students use SNS. Leading with 34 %, the said participants claimed to use SNS to chat with their friends. 26% population of the students said that social networking sites are used for studying purposes, followed by 23% of students who said that this is a way of showing what they feel. This is the reason why Twitter is also famed by this batch. Lastly, for 15%, SNS was used for making and meeting new friends. Most students have friends on SNS accounts ranging from 1000 or more. This shows how students are socially active. Though, in some cases, students feel(or know) that sometimes, these sites affect their studies. 48% thinks that SNS distances themselves from their families and 54% think that these sites do not distance them or create a barrier between the students and their family. To complete this percentage and pie charts, the researchers used Slovin's formula.
De Jesus, Warell | Cordero, Angel | Maglalang, Robert | Navarro, Jerome | Punsalan, Airon | Galang, Chelsea | Gutierrez, Shara Kamella | Nacu, Alyana
Grade & Section
IMC -Ext.
SRE D278 2017