The Reason Why People Apply Cosmetics
With the growing sensation for the use of cosmetics nowadays, this paper aims to identify what could motivate people in using cosmetics. In today's time, people wear cosmetics almost everywhere they go, even in places that do not require the need to use them. Cosmetics can affect a person internally and externally. It can change and enhance how a person looks in the eyes of other people, it can also boost their confidence for it hides their flaws on the outside which makes them less insecure about how they look like. And with teenagers these days, are at a point wherein they feel more conscious of how they present themselves to other people. The text explores and focuses on another age demographic, teenagers in high school. This focuses on how they use and treat cosmetics. Using the stratified random and snowball sampling techniques helps in identifying the most appropriate participants and it is less time-consuming. With this, we have identified that teenagers use cosmetics as much as adults and professionals do. To give emphasis, cosmetics are considered both the need and want of teenagers. And we have understood that a person's insecurities, peer influence, and personal needs motivate them to use cosmetics. And a product's quality, formulation, and packaging also contribute to the factors that make people buy cosmetics.
This study is to help contribute to understanding why people, specifically students in Holy Family Academy, use cosmetics even if it is prohibited under the implemented school rules.
Bagang, Reggie | Lopez, Joshua | Torres, Bernard Merwin | Cinco Moira Isabelle | Recio, Camille Edralin
IMC -Ext.
April 2, 2019
SRE B144 2019