Preferred Teaching Methods in Mathematics of Grade 8 Generation Z Students : A Grounded Theory Study
The implementation of the Kto12 curriculum paved the way to the strengthening of the spiral curriculum which encompasses fundamental topics in Mathematics serving as the basic foundation for the students in their lessons to be taught in their higher years. Although their lack of sufficient prior knowledge, students from the Holy Family Academy show a great exertion of difficulty in managing and understanding the topic which led to their poor performance in this subject. With this evident impediment, it is much of a need for the teachers to support and show a better way of teaching for the students to improve and intensify their understanding of the subject. Thus, to make this possible, this study aimed to investigate the preferred teaching methods in Mathematics of generation z and to furthermore develop a model framework. It made use of Qualitative research particularly constructivist grounded theory involving Grade 8 students, Mathematics teachers, and coordinators. Also, data were analyzed through coding of patterns to find similarities in responses. Translated transcriptions were then examined and interpreted to find a theme between the patterns coded. In conclusion, findings revealed that Generation Z students preferred both teacher-centered methods such as discussion, demonstration, questioning, and seatwork and learner-centered method which includes board work, games, collaboration, and problem-based learning. It was also concluded that the level of difficulty and the type of activity utilized in teaching greatly influenced their motivation in this subject. Thus, the Proposed Model Framework in Preferred Teaching Methods in Mathematics of Generation Z proposing that the two said methods should be combined to produce well-enhanced performance and understanding of students was developed and recommended.
Dungca, Tristan | Guevarra, Raizzen | Pamintuan, Dylan | Bago, Clarence Gaile | Cayanan, Katrina Lou | Galarion, Mikaela Angela | Magtoto, Aeshia
IMC -Ext.
March 21, 2018
SRE D897 2018