The Application of Baumrind's Theory of Parenting Styles on the Observance of School Policies of 15 Grade 10 Students in Holy Family Academy
It is known that the parents have a big influence on a child's development and behavior. The parenting style of Diana Baumrind's theory are utilized widely and so these are considered as the basis for what a child might progress towards becoming if such styles are associated. Previous studies indicate how parenting style is essential to the child's behavior but lacks focus on the child's discipline and delinquency in school which this study aims to discover. This qualitative research intends to answer what is the application of Baumrind's theory of parenting style in the observance of the school policies among 15 grade 10 students in Holy Family Academy. With the use of Parental authority questionnaires, the participants of this study were determined which the researchers interviewed one-by-one. The researchers then interpreted their varying responses which led them to the following findings: 1.) the discoveries of this study coordinate the theory of Baumrind's parenting style; 2.) school policies were violated specifically minor offenses by some of the participants in each parenting style group; 3.) all the offender got he equivalent consequences although they recognized the verdict given to them, and 4.) participants of each style group have denied that their parents have had any impact on their misconduct however despite what might be expected, their parents are the purpose behind their discipline.
Aguas, Tiarra Ciayen | Clemente, Princess Yvette Gean Clemente | Delicana, Jayrel Kim | Espeleta, Carl Danielle | Ramos, Vince Kenneth | Palo, Sandrine Arabella
IMC -Ext.
March 21, 2018