Intimate Relationship and its Effects on the Academic Performances of Familians in using English for Instruction
This research is about how having an inmate relationship affects the academic performance of the students. Its objective is to know whether or not intimate relationships affect academic performance positively or negatively. Students consider having an intimate relationship a need as they grow older. Students become attracted to the people they see around them thus leading them to have an intimate relationship. Students also need to pass to be one step closer to their aim or goal. With their relationship on the way, some students are having a hard time balancing their time between their partner and school works. On the other hand, some students have no trouble balancing thier time. Different studies have been conducted about the said matter. Some studies shows that having an intimate relationship provides a significant impact on the academic performance of the students. A qualitative research design was used to conduct the study and the respondents were chosen through a purposive sampling procedure. A questionnaire has been distributed to the student to obtain data. Through the data collected, the researchers have discovered that intimate truly affects the academic performance of the students. Even though there are negative effects, most of the respondents show that intimate relationship affects academic performance positively.
Cabatbat, Gabriel Lance S. | Narciso, Karl Ezekiel M. | Ocampo, Mark Jasper M. | Oliveros, Arvi B. | Dizon, Claire Kimberlee S. | Jacson, Angelu Ysabelle T.
Grade & Section
11-St. Lambert
IMC -Main
March 1, 2017
SRE C113 2017