Association of Students Personal Problem and Attitude in School
Students usually experience criticism just because of the attitude they manifest in school. The personal problem that they are facing has a huge factor on their attitude. Situations such as family and financial status, friends issues, and school-related are some of the factors that could trigger a student's change of attitude. The way they handle such personal problems, especially serious ones, may also have an effect on the academic performance of a student in school. Many students completely manifest different attitudes in school and at home. Some of the respondents claimed that they are hated in the school because of them being noisy and irritating without even knowing that they are exactly the opposite of this at home. On the other hand, most are jolly and accommodating in school wherein fact they o not even portray this kind of attitude at home. Thus, personal problems or situations that a student faces have a huge factor in the manifestation of an attitude of students.
David, Mark Joshua D. | Mercado, Francis John | Patio, Francis John N. | Roque, Ewin Simon T. | Salenga, Maria Alicia C.
Grade & Section
11-St. Lambert
IMC -Main
March 1, 2017
SRE D249 2017